Monday, June 30, 2008

Being An Instrument of Peace

There is a situation going on in my life right now that I could easily take the "low" road and continue to wreck havoc on an already fragile circumstance. However, I am choosing to be an instrument of peace. Any circumstance can continue to escalate if the flame is continously ingnited.

Today, however, I encourage you as I'm encouraging myself to make the conscious choice to be an instrument of peace. Choose to do the opposite of what your "ego" says. Seek wizdom before speaking, think things through. Be patient. Wait. Be Love. Sometimes a situation just needs love.

In All Directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe

Monday, June 23, 2008

Miss Maggie

Today, just moments ago acutally, my soul was blessed to meet a wonderful woman with a beautiful soul and spirit. It is just by chance, well actually it was today's destiny, that I came to this place that I currently sit and type to have coffee and a bagel. I don't think in all the years that I've lived in the area have I ever decided until this morning to come here. And oh what a blessing it has been for me.

There are things about her that remind me of my own dear and precious mother. My mother passed away 7 years ago, so when I am reminded of her spirit through someone else I know it's as if Mommy has kissed me with "an it's okay, you're gonna be alright" message from beyond.

So far today the best thing that has happened to me is meeting Ms. Maggie! She has the LiGhT. I plan on knowing her forever.

A Character for A Character

On Saturday night, I went out with the girls which isn't something that I do a lot these days. I enjoy being at home, sipping wine, having good conversation. I’m even game for a full throttle thirty-something house party every now and then. However, when you take the things I love and ask that I do them in a social setting – a CLUB or BAR- after hours, meaning after 9 PM, you may not always get the cheery, chipper chick that is normally me. I’ve always been comfortable in my own skin; I’ve always been one to have fun and keep things LiGhT, but when it comes to going out and crowds, that has never really been me even though many people consider me a “social butterfly”.

In my early 20s, I could hang well into the early morning hours, and still rise to take on the world with no consequences or fatigue. All of that changed around age 26/27. Fast forward many years and here I am at 35, the mother of a teen, home owner, wize, humble and learning more about life than ever. Let’s just say the body and the energy aren’t what they used to be, but in particularly the mindset isn’t what it used to be. Now instead of getting home at 5AM, I’m usually waking up and spending some time with God. Instead of hitting the town at midnight, I’ve been in bed for hours by then. Can we say a full 360°?

But I digress…

Yes, all of the above was a digression and doesn’t have much to do with the title of this post – A Character for A Character! Yes, this one thought on character brought forth paragraphs of reflection of the past and realization of where I am today. I think I’ll get to the point now…

For future posting references, I thought I’d give names to the important Characters in my life. Many of the lessons that I learn I learn because of them and through them. I’m forever grateful for their presence in my life; I’m thankful that God saw fit to intricately intertwine our lives. I know that they are in my life, and I’m in their lives because we chose to take this journey together. I hope and pray that they learn from me as well. It is no mistake that my son came through me, there is no mistake that the BFF has been around for 23 years, and definitely no mistake that Handsome is the love of my life. I thank God, and this wonderful Universe, that there are no miscalculations and that EVERYthing is as it should be.


Me: Sage

My Son: C²/Swagger
**C² = my son @ his best; Swag is the teen in him. Can’t not like his LiGhT; It’s him. **

My Love: Handsome

BFF: Aquamami

Brother#1: Broham

Brother#2: Mr. Cool

Sister: Herself
**I’ll literally refer to her as “herself”, not as in I’ll use her name**

The Crew: New York, LA, Miami, Channel 8, Crazazy **all female friends**

Son’s dad: 1-0 **Pronounced one O (the letter), not one zero**

About ten years ago Crazazy tried hooking me up with one of her friends. Because she considered him one of the "best eligible bachelors" that she knew she introduced him to several other friends in additon to me. She later asked him about me and another particular young lady. His reply was, “I like Sage better than Ms. X. Sage has character. The other only has a butt.” I’ll say that is a compliment to say the least – LOL! My butts not bad though.

Until next time…from all directions I send Blessings, LiGhT and LoVe

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Optical Illusion

Last night, if you were blessed with clear skies, when you looked at the moon it may have appeared closer than normal. That indeed was not the case. God didn't decide that June 17, 2008, that we would be blessed with an extra kiss from Heaven. As reported throughout the news world, since the angle of the sun was just right, we got a low full moon. Actually, what causes us to think that this is really a larger looking moon is the relative position of the moon to objects on the ground. So to really get the full effect you couldn't just peer through your window and expect to see a larger looking moon, but you have to get far away from a city skyline or wide open spot where you can see houses in the distance, then the moon will seem to engulf them...

Enough with the science, right?

I woke up this morning thinking and feeling very peaceful and hopeful. I woke up thinking about living my passion(s), and helping others to realize what their passions are too. I first shared this with Handsome, the other person on this planet that is entrusted with the ends and outs of who I REALLY am. He too shared my enthusiasm and thought it was wonderful message for the day. Unlike me, stuck behind a desk at work, he has the freedom to ride his Harley and be with nature and really think about his passions. I on the other hand can only do the imagination thing, get distracted from my work and have to re-work...but that's a start.
One of the greatest illusions is living for in the past and for the future versus living in the now. Now is all that there really is. God/Creator is doing the same thing right at this very moment as 20 million years ago, being God, being Souvereign, being All-knowing, being LoVe! So for this very moment bask in the beauty of now, not the illusion of some thing from March 2006 or some thing you're hoping for on August 2, 2009 at 3:31 PM. Instead, stop, listen, breathe, thank, praise, glorify, laugh, release...for all things are as they should be - no miscalculations, no mistakes, no inconveniences - and whatever it is you're experiencing that isn't love will too pass.
From all directions Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe

Image Credit - Fredric Larson, San Francisco Chronicle 2007

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Day

Yesterday, I was clearly feeling a bit in the dumps about Monday's happenings. However, today is Another Day to be Light and Love, and I choose to do that. Everything is not perfect in my life, today or any day, but I feel peace and love and hope. Yesterday I was short
Handsome because I was a bit "bent". I was wrong for that...that behavior is definitely not being Light! So today, I will shower my special one with hugs and kisses and blessings and thank yous and you're specials...because it's true. We all have bad days and good days...but thank God when I look back my Good Days always outnumber my Bad Days, so I won't complain.

Live in LoVe and LiGhT....


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

When Your Past Doesn't Look So Bright

I'll be the first to admit that I'm no angel. I'll be the first to admit that the person that I am today is a complete 360 from who I was ten years ago. I didn't grow up wanting to be a politician so believe me there are more than a few skeletons in my closet. I'm not a felon or anything of that sort, the only person that suffered from my actions was ME. I'd call it self-sabotage. Yesterday, I had the "pleasure" of sharing things about my past with someone that I love. Honestly, these things could have been left in the dark where they are because believe me, I choose not to think about that PHASE of my life. To share such petty, non-thought out actions really let me see the error of my ways back then. I felt ashamed. Just thinking about the shell of an individual that I was is heartbreaking. Even more heartbreaking than reliving those times was the response that I got from the person that I love...I was told, "you're not the person that I thought you were", and "I kinda feel sorry for you..."

All I can say is WOW!

For too much time yesterday, I harped on the situation. I allowed my mind to wonder how and why this person could still care about me. The same thoughts that led me to such behavior was trying to rear it's ugly head. The same unconfident, unwise, unlearned behaviors that created such a past made me feel vulnerable and little. I was concerned about "how I was viewed". Those thoughts have carried over into today which is why I blogging about it now. I have read all of the self-help books I can stand, I've fasted & prayed for days on end, I've repented, I've come clean and turned from the error of my past. I've learned, grown and moved WHY does this bother me? I think it bothers me because I felt that the person that I was talking to could love me unconditionally just the way that I love; however, I felt judged.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Suspended In Air

Have you ever heard or read something and it gave you such a freeing feeling that you felt suspended in air? I have. I just read something that made any problem that I could have seem light and easy. There are no such things as problems. EVERYthing is as it should be, there are no mistakes, no miscalculations, no errors...the Universe is perfect and EVERYthing is in order.

This is what I read:
"A young prince of Persia had to find a document to prove his right to the throne. He finally found it hidden inside a plain and ordinary cap he habitually wore while riding his horse. What you may think has been lost has not been lost. It is simply out of sight at the present moment. Search! See!"

Ahh...Light & Free

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Light Can Be Priceless

Have you ever had someone in your life that really needed encouragement? If you haven't, I'm sure that one day you will. The most beautiful blessing in life is to be a blessing to someone else. Lately, I've found myself being the Light to others during their dark hours. At times, it has been draining, yet for the most part it is very rewarding and gratifying. I'm not patting myself on the back as if I'm so grand; I'm just hoping to encourage someone else to be the Light, or at least the voice of reason, for a relative, love or friend. Someone gave me a wonderful compliment not long ago. The person told me, "You're so positive even when you don't have to be. That is a priceless quality in you." I know for a fact that I'm not positive 100% all of the time but I do know that nothing lasts forever, and this too shall pass...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's Hard but It's Fair

It's Hard but It's fair...

for years, I think as many as 25 or maybe more, I've heard my brother use this expression. When he first used it as a high schooler, he was using it as a way to see "I know I'm handsome, athletic, awesome, or whatever, but somebody's got to do it so it's fair that it's me!" However, today when I think about this, and this is coming after living life for 35 years, experiencing ups and downs, losing loved ones, losing out on love and all of the tests that life brings as you grow, I now see this phrase in a completely different LIGHT...

On losing a loved one...
Yes, it's hard when someone very close to you transitions to the other side to be with our Creator. Yes, you are sad, have bouts with loneliness, depression, questions...yet, it is fair. It is fair because death is the road that we ALL have to take. No one can escape death. I don't care how much money a person has they can't prevent their death or their loved ones, nor can they bring someone back for the cost of a shiling.

On losing out on love...
Have you ever heard of a divine partnership? A love that you were meant to endure? Another soul that you were meant to love but only for a certain time? The hard part is not accepting that this isn't your divine and lasting love, the fair part is having had the opportunity to love at all, an opportunity that you and that soul arranged long before you took on your physical bodies The fair part is knowing that all is as it should be and that there are NO mistakes or miscalculations in the Universe.

On being in the place where you are now, which is not where you want to be...
The hard part is that you're unhappy. Your thoughts probably lead to more unhappiness than what is actually going on at the time. The fair part is that you are your own co-creator. Where you are today is the result of past thoughts whether good or not so good.

With that said, today, you can re-write your script. You are you and that is no mistake, no miscalculation...and that my friend is Hard but it's Fair.

In Light & Love...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Sadly, last Thursday, a friend of mine lost her only child. Though he was 46 years old, he was still her "baby". From the moment that she called to tell me this news, through when I spoke with her just hours ago there was nothing in her voice but peace, joy, love and LIGHT. She may still be in shock, which is to be expected, but in her I have seen such a peace and Light that only the Creator can provide.

I have recently been going through some difficult times in my life. I don't know if I should really call them difficulties or not since they were mainly self-inflicted feelings, feelings that I brought upon myself based on another's actions, inactions, reactions or lack of reaction for that matter. Nonetheless, when I reflect on what I'm "going through" versus what my dear friend is experiencing I have nothing to complain about. I have my health, my mind, and above all, I'm above ground to experience whatever I choose to experience. My experience is clearly up to me. How I digest and process anothers actions is totally up to me. If I feel depressed, down, sad, it is my own doing. All the lessons that I know about LIGHT seem to go out the window when I am not getting my ego stroked the way I need it to be.

With all that said, I pledge, realistically, at least for the rest of the day, to be grateful and thankful. This is usually my sentiment for everyday. There are carved out times each day that I choose to be thankful and grateful. I didn't do that today until this very moment, and when I did I immediately felt peace and serenity.

Until next time, continue to be LIGHT and LoVe

Monday, June 2, 2008

In the beginning...A Genesis of sorts

We've all read, or at least heard, this line of very famous Biblical Scripture before. Interestingly, after our Creator created the land and the sea, the first thing the Creator wanted us to have was LIGHT!

This blog will be about letting your LIGHT shine through and allowing LoVe to be your foundation for every situation that occurs in your life. LiGhT is so powerful...

Why I decided to create this blog....

After running across the blog for Fabulous Financials, which by the way is Fabulous with a capital F, I decided to enter the unknown blogosphere as well. One particular post,, really got me thinking. Just like the original poster, which brought this very heartfelt message from Single Ma, I too am not in the financial place that I’d like to be. And after reading Single Ma’s success, plus her story and goals, I too felt a bit like Single Ma was not in a place that I could relate to financially at this time. Nonetheless, I know that I can achieve the same; therefore I didn’t have the same exact indifference that the poster felt. With that said, my final conclusion is that Single Ma is giving what she has to offer to this Universe, and she gives it selflessly. What started out as her way to help other single mothers, I pray, has led to her peace, plus hopefully her selfless and honest giving of her expertise, tests and lessons has reciprocated many blessings her way. You know too often people gain knowledge but don't share it in fear of someone else succeeding which is greedy. Single Ma has demonstrated Light and Love in her free and willing posts. Whenever we give, we ALWAYS RECEIVE. Though we don’t give to receive, it is when we do have an open heart that blessings flow towards us. So I sat and I thought and I contemplated….what do I have to offer? What can I give this UNIVERSE? I have always been told that I’m a therapist, very spiritual and wise, and I really enjoy listening to people and being an ear or shoulder whenever someone needs it.
Do I always take my own advice?
Does anyone?
So with that said, I’ve decided to create my own blog to give back what I can…I pray that this journey, which I hope will always be fulfilling and something that I enjoy, will be a blessing to you.

Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe from all directions
