Monday, July 28, 2008

No Ordinary Love

I think it was sang best by Sade.
This- is- no- or-di-nary love, no or-di-na-ry looo-ve

I make mistakes, I say the wrong things at the wrong time, my delivery of conversation is not always right...What can I say? I'm a work in progress.

What I do know is that this is NO ORIDNARY LOVE.

I don't see disagreements, misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
Instead I see opportunities to love, to grow, to partner, to learn, to be one, to be unbreakable and to simply be who we thought we could never be and have what we thought we could never have - PARTNERSHIP & UNORDINARY LOVE

In all directions ~ Blessings, LiGht & LoVe

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Renewed Heart

Before I typed this I had to really think about if I could really put this in print. What I’m about to divulge I wouldn’t have ever thought would come from me - EVER! I have given another Soul my mind. I am not brainwashed or mesmerized, but I am at the point where I don’t want to think for myself, make decisions by myself. Is that lazy? I don’t think so. I think it is more in recognizing that there is actually someone out there that could make choices for me with my best interest at heart. This is how I think the whole thing came about…

With my sweetie, I’ve realized that part of giving honor to him is my willingness to listen to him, drawing the real him out and hearing his heart. When I don’t understand him I try not to criticize but I make a point to keep listening, knowing that God will give me clarity. I hope he feels that he can hide his heart and his dreams with me, and that he can tell me anything. To really know him is a closer level of intimacy. Something good, lasting and powerful is always birthed out of intimate sharing. Sharing allows me to carry a piece of him with me and vice versa. Whether sharing a secret, a feeling, a fear, or whatever we felt safe enough to deposit into each other. True intimacy is built when we keep the precious secrets that we’ve shared in each other’s safe keeping.

As I learn more about his heart, I am able to stand in the knowledge of his feelings for me even if it’s not verbalized or if he seems a little preoccupied. Being in tune with his heart, and how he thinks and works, gives me patience and arrests the temptation to personalize what might be an internal trial he needs to work out on his own. Listening to him and knowing him is allowing me to release him to have his own space with God. Knowing that he is transforming and getting a relationship with God silences the voice that says “you’re being squeezed out”. In actuality that spot is being filled by a being with which I can’t compete – God! While I’m sitting somewhere feeling ignored, God could be talking to him about me! Because of my insecurities, which I'm working on, I may cloud the vision for what he sees for the future. I may stop them from coming into fruition with my own low expectations, misconceived notions, and the actions that follow. I see a breakthrough for him.

For the last week or so I have been experiencing a renewed love. Not only a renewed love for him but for myself. I know it’s because I have let go of some insecurities. When I released those feelings, it was as if the floodgates were opened and the love that kindled in my heart for him many, many months ago was new. Because I love myself healthily, I can love him wholly.

In all directions ~
Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Be A Blessing

Today, no matter what you're facing personally, there is always room for you to be a blessing to someone else. You never know how a simple smile or kind word can change the outcome or perspective of someone's day.

Personally, I can say that there have been many "angels" that have impacted me today. Even at work, the place I'd least rather be at this moment, I have loving angels that truly care about me as a person. It's true, most people stay with employers not because of the work but because of the people. Your co-workers are your family in a sense. You're with them for most of your working hours. I know, I know...we all have those pesky co-workers that can get under the smallest nerve you have and jump up and down on it with spiked heels, yet handle it with a smile. Be a blessing to them too...for you may be the only family that they have.

In All Directions - Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

Recently, I really listened to the depth of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood that was performed and recorded by Nina Simone in 1964. I relate to this song on so many levels. As a spiritual being that doesn't always do right, express in the right way, I found this song to speak from the soul of a Soul whose intentions are good....

Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 1964
Performed by Nina Simone
Written by Gloria Caldwell, Sol Marcus, Bennie Benjamin

Baby, you understand me now?
If sometimes you see that I’m mad…
Dontcha know no one alive can always be an angel?
When everything goes wrong you see some bad

But I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood

Ya know sometimes baby I’m so carefree
With a joy that’s hard to hide
And then sometimes again it seems that all I have is worry
And then you bound to see my other side

But I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood

If I seem edgy
I want you to know
I never mean to take it out on you
Life has its problems
And I get more than my share
But that’s one thing I never mean to do
'Cause I love you

Oh baby, I’m just human
Don’t you know I have faults like anyone?
Sometimes I find myself alone regretting
Some little foolish thing
Some simple thing that I’ve done

'Cause I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood
I try so hard
So please don’t let me be misunderstood

**If I can ever find a 3rd party host for this song, I will add it to the blog.**

In all directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happiness Is An Inside Job

I've decided to take my life into my own hands. You may be wondering whose hands my life was in if not my own, right? Well, if I'm honest with myself the answer is that I've been coasting. At 35, I haven't experienced half of the things that I've envisioned for my life, let alone the things of my wildest dreams that I haven't given much thought to. Lately I've allowed thinking to be an enemy. I, of all people, should know that "thoughts become things", yet I allowed my thinking to get the best of me.

I'm certain that "HAPPINESS is an INSIDE job!". However , I've allowed outside sources cause me to be off track and foreign to the fact that I KNOW without doubt that I'm never separated from my Source, Creator, GOD. As a matter of fact I am my own co-creator and whatsoever I choose for my life I will undoubtedly receive.

I pray that every reader also experience a sense of joy while reading this. My purpose at this very moment is to let you know that happiness is something that you're entitled to. It is your divine right, your birthright! A simple change of your mind and will can set off the inertia you need to make the changes that have seemed to elude you.

Also, my friends, know that happiness is not in things, in approval, or in ego. To truly be happy you must first forget all things material, that seek approval or center around ego.

To Be Continued...

In All Directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe


Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Less Said The Best Said

Sometimes when offended we have a tendency to give others "a piece" of our mind. When you are faced with an offensive scenario which way do you respond? Today I chose not to say anything about a recent offense. Instead I went on as normal being grateful for the experience and opportunity to be LoVe. After all sometimes "the less said, the best said."

In All Directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe


Friday, July 4, 2008


Today's the 4th of July. I can see and hear neighbors enjoying family and friends. I, on the other hand, am alone and feeling unappreciated. I feel isolated. I feel unloved. I feel like a fool because I put so much of my energy into being love to everyone. Yet here I am alone. Not on anyone's mind. An afterthought. But let someone need encouragement or prayer or a positive word and then I'm on speed dial. Ha! Makes me laugh.

Enough of that I have to encourage myself, not have a pity parade or an adult tantrum like the ones I've witnessed this week. Even if it means going to bed now & wake up to new circumstances tomorrow that may be what's on the agenda. How boring, right? I know that one day soon I'll have someone that REALLY appreciates me and will want to experience all of life's days with me. Under this same sky is that person.

In All Directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe


Be LoVe

I love this picture! To me it says:

Be LoVe

Speak LoVe

Kiss your LoVE


Words of Peace

A soft answer


In LoVe






Perfect Timing

Thursday evening I spent several hours alone. Swag was out the house, phone didn't ring, there were no interruptions. I relaxed, cleared my mind, and did a thorough head and heart check. To sum up those hours I can honestly say that I got in some of the best prayer and meditation time in quite a while. Towards the end I even recorded myself because the peace and ease that I felt were so relaxing that I felt weight less and I could actually feel my body releasing impurities.

I'm thankful for those hours because it was right on time. That time being intimate with God helped me with a spiritual task that came up. I was able to not let my ego take control of a situation and instead be LoVe.

I'm grateful that I could see clearly and that I got out of self. I still feel at peace 5 hours later. Thank God for God's timing.

In All Directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe


Thursday, July 3, 2008

His, Mine or OURS

Why do I feel like whatever Handsome is facing that I am too? Why do I feel that I have to and will support him to no end? Why is his hurt, my hurt? The answer:


Unconditional love does not allow the heart to recognize ownership. This thing or that thing isn't his or mine but it's OURS. I know he doesn't understand or possibly believe that I am kindredly connected to him and actually feel what he is feeling. My soul is intertwined with his; our souls have connected and there isn't anything that I can do about it. Right now I'm feeling gratitude because I know that God is allowing me this opportunity to love unconditionally, to be LiGhT, to be LoVe, and to be a Blessing.


In All Directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

In This Place Before

I'm having the same old situations arise that have caused me grief in the past. The years are different, the details are different but it's the same old situations! I HAVE TO address what it is that I really need to learn from this situaion, why I continously fall into the same pattern, and how do I move past this without convicting myself and having guilt.

Dear Universe,

I'm tired of experiencing the same lessons. Is stubborness the culprit? What about poor planning, or in the real case, lack of planning? This is all becoming unfair to the person that I love the most. Help me! I'm asking for help to resolve once and for all.

In all directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Handsome's Heart

I am so upset that I can't ease Handsome's hurt about the business venture. The whole situation has been eating at me all day. I'm diligently praying for his peace and understanding. I know that something better will come along but its easier for me to deal with since I'm not directly affected and don't have as much at stake.

Right now dear God I ask that You place Your loving arms around Handsome's heart and take away the hurt and pain. Give him Your eternal peace. Use me as a vessel of peace for him. Give me the wizdom to be his help mate and get through this. I completely turn this and all situations over to You. In His name Amen.

With this said and off my heart and head, I know the Universe is conspiring behind the curtains of time and space to give us both what we need.

In all directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe



Handsome is disappointed about a business venture that didn't pan out. I can completely understand his frustration. The ideal opportunity arose but wasn't seized timely enough, now Handsome is second guessing his choices. Right now I'm asking God, who controls everything in the Universe, to give him peace, and to let another more suitable door open. Handsome has the skill and desire to make this work, and the Universe always responds to desire. With that said, I too release my desire to the Universe. I know that things will work out better than before. I praise God in advance for the ideal situation.

In All Directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe


Living Life By Default

I'm a firm believer that there are no mistakes, accidents or miscalculations in the Universe. I also believe that once you make a decision you should stick with it. This morning I read the following, "to not decide is to decide." Reading that really hit home.

My relationship with Handsome is the most beautiful love that I have ever experienced.
Is it perfect? By NO means!
Are either of us perfect? HECK NO!
However, I'm experiencing a perfect love with him. By that I mean that for the first time in my life I am loving but not expecting anything in return. I love him for everything he is and is not.

Right now we are going through challenges. I believe that our love will prevail. I know that I must amp up the patience and understanding. I know that I must not be needy right now because he needs my support not my complaining. I'm starting to focus on the end result of what I want, not just the right now. I know that all of the pieces will fall into place and things will be as they should be.

When I honestly think about it, I have been living by default. Just waiting for things to fall into place instead of making decisions about what it is that I want. When it comes to this relationships with Handsom I know that I want US. So therefore my decision is put my best energy towards that unity. I had been living with the mindset that things will all work out in the end without letting the Universe know exactly what I want. Well, I'm here to shout it from all corners of the planet - I want HANDSOME!

In All Directions ~ Blessings, LiGhT & LoVe